- 1、草间弥生作品
- 2、村上春树法语怎麼说
- 3、《忍者神龟》中四个主角的名字是什么的?
- 4、murakami歌词
在1968年,草间弥生和朱德·雅科特(Jud Yalkut)的合作作品《草间的自我消融》在比利时第四届国际短片大奖 和第二届马里兰电影节(Maryland Film Festival)上均获得了大奖,并在安阿伯电影节(Ann Arbor Film Festival)上获得了二等奖。
草间弥生制作并出演的1967年实验电影描绘了草间弥生在她周围的所有物体(包括身体)上画波卡圆点。在1991年,草间弥生参演了由村上龙(Ryu Murakami)执导和执导的电影《堕落东京(Tokyo Decadence)》。在1993年,她与英国音乐家彼特·盖伯瑞(Peter Gabriel)在横滨合作。
村上是むらかみ ( murakami ) ,春树是はるき( haruki ),括号里的是罗马音,可以帮助外国人读出日语的读音。括号外面的那个是平假名,相当于日本人的“拼音"
如果一定要用法语读出来的话,是这样的,mu发成mü(按照汉语拼音来读),ra发成小舌音加上a,不会小舌音的话就发成"ha"好了,kami发成gami。ha的h不发音,发成“a", ru发成小舌音加上汉语拼音的ü,ki发成gi..
《忍者神龟》讲述了在纽约市一条大街的地下管道里住着四只功夫高强的忍者神龟和他们的老师斯普林特——一只来自日本的超级大老鼠。神龟们各个骁勇善战,身怀绝技,为了维护正义,保卫城市家园,他们同狡猾的巴克斯特•斯多克曼博士、紫龙帮的坏蛋以及一伙神秘且训练有素的忍者展开殊死搏斗…… 这四只神勇无比、所向无敌、神气十足的小乌龟,手执武士刀、武士棒、双节棍和忍者匕首,披挂上阵英勇迎敌,团结如兄弟
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I hear the bells I hear the wind
I hear a song in my heart again
In the tenderness moves all things
Like a poltergeist in the streets
It's a silly rush that I used to get
Singing Billie or reading Vonnegut
I could teleport to the stars
Kinda strange that I'm all alone
Cause you really hold me down like that
Cause you really know what's down like that
Like the universe is singing a song
hoo, hoo, hoo
Do you feel it when you write like that?
Do you feel it cause you're down like that?
Like the universe is singing a song
hoo, hoo, hoo
Cause you really hold me down like that
Cause you really know what's down like that
Like the universe is singing a song
hoo, hoo, hoo
Do you feel it when you write like that?
Do you feel it cause you're down like that?
Like the universe is singing a song
hoo, hoo, hoo
It's just a story though
Is it a story though?
I can't tell if it happened cause it felt impossible
Don't know whether it was real or a dream
Imagination playing tricks on me
Now tell me what you know
Is this a story or
An allegory for the racket knocking at my door?
What's the difference if it's real or a dream?
Imagination playing tricks on me
What's the difference in my love or scheme?
The difference in what you say what you mean?
What you mean you don't really know?
I'm losing touch with the physical
I'm showing up in the future like I've been here before
Ain't that a story though?
Like you ain't even know
Somebody switching the digits up on my Casio
Don't know whether this is real or a dream
Imagination playing tricks on me
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